Create a grant page

If you don’t have a CMS account, you can still post information about your grant on the Grants and programs page on

Fill out the form on the submit your grant web page.

These instructions are for creating a grant within the CMS.

How to add a new grant to in the preferred format for users.

Our accessible grants template has been developed after user interviews and testing. The template:

  • communicates what applicants need in the right order

  • helps applicants determine if they're eligible to apply for a grant, criteria for a successful application and key milestones in the application process.

How to successfully use the grants template

  • Avoid adding the grant guidelines as a PDF or Word document. This isn't accessible and is a breach of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Instead, add each of the guidelines in HTML format and follow the order of the key Overview headings:

    • Eligibility

    • Assessment criteria

    • Assessment process

    • How to apply

    • Help/more information

  • Add a Primary button style to take users to the online application form, if applicable.

  • Use the Overview tab to summarise who's eligible and what they receive if successful.

  • Use the Timeline tab to add key milestones for the grant, for example, applications open, applications close.

  • Use the Supporting documents tab to add any documents applicants are required to complete for the grant.

Mandatory fields have an asterisk * next to them.

Add a new grant

You can add a grant page either from your dashboard or from the 'Content' tab at the top of the page.


  1. Under 'Your pages', select '+ Add content'.

  2. On the new page, select 'Grant'.

Content tab

  1. Select 'Content' at the top of the page.

  2. On the new page, select '+ Add content'.

  3. On the new page, select 'Grant'.

A short summary of what the grant provides. Include dollar figure per person/organisation (not total) or type of support. No more than 150 characters.

Example: Up to $80,000 to help LGBTI groups deliver service and support for LGBTI Victorians.

Redirect website

You can redirect the page directly to an external grant page. If you are redirecting the page, you won't need to complete any more information on the page.

Featured image

An image to feature on the page. It must be 496px high x 818px wide.

This is where you enter most of the body content for your grant, including Overview, Timeline, Guidelines and Supporting Documents.


Title should be 'Overview'.

Funding level

Add the dollar amount available per person if known. Can be a range. Example: 1,000-10,000. Leave blank if not applicable.


Used to filter grants on the grants and programs landing page.

Options are:

  • Individual

  • Business

  • Government

  • Not-for-profit groups

Grant dates

Choose Ongoing or Open and close date. If you choose dates you will have to fill in the time as well as the date.

These dates will automatically show your grant as open or closed. It will also move the order of your grants as closed grants are moved to the bottom of the filtered list.

Call to action

Add a link if you have one. This could be a link to GEMS form or to an external application process on a non-government site. Use Begin application or modify to describe the action.


An additional snapshot of more detailed information if necessary.

Under this section, you can add specific or general author details.

  • Full name

  • Email address

  • Contact phone number

  • Department


This is the only mandatory field in this section. Select the main department your area and program belongs to. Example: 'Department of Premier and Cabinet'. This will help us to automate program lists for department websites.


Title (level 1)

This field is optional. Only for programs where there are multiple rounds or events.

Title (level 2)

This field is mandatory. Enter the name of the key event.


Add 'Start date' and 'End date'.

You can add times if applications close at 5pm. If you have no timelines at all use the 'Text' field underneath. Sample text could be: This program is ongoing and can be applied for at any time.

For more dates use the 'Add timeline' button (below). Try to add dates for when applicants will hear back on their submission if you can as this will avoid a lot of phone calls. You can always put dates in for the worst-case scenario. If people hear back earlier they will be pleasantly surprised.


Use this field when the 'Start date' and 'End date' are unknown.


You can link to an internal or external page.

  • Internal: Start typing the title of a piece of content to select it. You can also enter an internal path such as /node/add.

  • External: Enter in URLs like Enter '<front>' to link to the front page or '<nolink>' to display link text only.

Featured image

Only for promoting a program on a navigational card. It won't be done often for programs.


This optional field allows the option of adding a short summary.

Add timeline

You can add more dates by selecting the 'Add timeline' button.


  • Accordion title: keep 'Guidelines' text.

  • Accordion style: Leave as 'Standard' unless your process has clear steps, then select 'Numbered'.


Make sure it's clear who is eligible. Where relevant include details such as type of organisation, financial structure, how funds need to be used, etc.

Assessment criteria

What will applications be assessed against? If there are weightings for different criteria then include those too.

Assessment process

Outline the steps. This could include moving from expression of interest to full application. It could also include who is making the decision.

How to apply

The key information needed to apply. This could include documents that need to be filled out. List what applicants need to gather for their application. This could include workshops, supporting documents, references and financial statements. Include the suggested timeframe to gather this content and any tips. Link to online application form or document.

Help (optional)

Some programs are complex. If you have helpful tips you should Add accordion content and title it 'Help'.

Submit page for approval

Once you're happy with your content, change the page status to Needs Review, enter comments in the Change request detail field and select Save. Any notes or comments will be saved into the Revisions tab.

Response time: In most cases, updates to existing pages will be published (live) within 24 hours. We commit to publishing updated content within 2 business days of the request.

The page will be submitted to the publishing queue where it will be reviewed against the publishing checklist.

We will publish your page if it meets publishing best practice.

Alternatively, we will notify you if further changes are required before the page is published.

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