CSV import instructions for VSBA school projects
This page explains how to import CSV files for the VSBA website project pages.
This task can only be completed by people who have been assigned the roles of Approver/Data importer and have permission to the http://schoolbuildings.vic.gov.au
File type format
The file format must be CSV and encoded by UTF-8
File must not exceed 500 rows
File size limit is 100KB
If the number of rows OR file size limit need to be changed, please contact a Site Admin
How to create a CSV UTF-8 file correctly
When you have finished working in the Excel (XLXS) spreadsheet, save a final XLXS copy.
Use the example CSV files in the CMS to copy and paste your data - detailed instructions below.
Master environment
It is recommended that you test the CSV import Master environment first so that you can do a trial run before you import the CSV file into the Production environment. If this fails, please send us you CSV file so we can check if it’s correct.
If a pop-up window appears, you will need to type in the following:
Username: dpc
Password: sdp
BE - https://master.content.vic.gov.au - your login details are the same as Production
FE - https://www.master.schoolbuildings.vic.gov.au
New projects
New projects are for importing NEW parents and children projects
The file format is to match the following - with 17 fields
Note: Child records must be below Parent record in the CSV file
Steps | Description |
Step 1 | Login to BE |
Step 2 | Go to Content → Feeds This screen will display a history of feeds that have been added. |
Step 3 | Click on the +Feed button. You will see the following screen with 2 options:
Step 4 | Click on VSBA creation The following screen - Add VSBA creation - will be displayed and will allow you to upload a CVS file to create new projects for the VSBA website.
CSV file conversionBefore you upload your file, you need to convert your XLXS file into a CSV file. Follow these steps to convert the fie successfully.
File uploadYou will see the following options:
Tip: For funding types, if multiple values are present, add semi-colon and no spaces |
Step 5 | The blue button has 2 options: Save and import - this will save the CSV file and import files immediately - see Steps 6-7 Save - this will save the CSV file and allow you to import at a later time - see Steps 8-10 |
Step 6 | Clicking on Save and import will save the CSV file and import files immediately
The CSV file will be uploaded. Uploading a file will behave as expected:
Step 7 | Your CSV file will be uploaded - you will see a Fetch page that will show the progress of the import. Once completed, a page will be displayed listing details of the CSV import.
Step 8 | Clicking on Save will save the CSV file. Once saved, the following screen will be displayed and you will have the + Import button will be displayed.
Step 9 | Click on + Import You will be asked whether you want to import the feed or not. You have the options of Import and Cancel.
Step 10 | Click on Import - Your CSV data will be imported. You will receive a Success message. If you click on Cancel - your CSV import will be cancelled and can be done at another time. |
Updating existing projects
The CSV file format is to match the following - all 4 columns are mandatory:
VSBA number
School Name/Page title
End date
Steps | Description |
Step 1 | Login to BE |
Step 2 | Go to Content → Feeds This screen will display a history of feeds that have been added. |
Step 3 | Click on the +Feed button. You will see the following screen with 2 options:
Step 4 | Click on VSBA update The following screen - Add VSBA update - will be displayed and will allow you to upload a CVS file to update existing projects for the VSBA website.
CSV file conversionBefore you upload your file, you need to convert your XLXS file into a CSV file. Follow these steps to convert the fie successfully.
File uploadYou will see the following options:
Step 5 | The blue button has 2 options: Save and import - this will save the CSV file and import files immediately - see Steps 6-7 Save - this will save the CSV file and allow you to import at a later time - see Steps 8-10 |
Step 6 | Clicking on Save and import will save the CSV file and import files immediately
The CSV file will be uploaded. Uploading a file will behave as expected:
Step 7 | Your CSV file will be uploaded - you will see a Fetching page that will show the progress of the import. Once completed, a page will be displayed listing details of the CSV import
Step 8 | Clicking on Save will save the CSV file. Once saved, the following screen will be displayed and you will have the + Import button will be displayed.
Step 9 | Click on + Import You will be asked whether you want to import the feed or not. You have the options of Import and Cancel.
Step 10 | Click on Import - Your CSV data will be imported. If you click on Cancel - your CSV import will be cancelled and can be done at another time. |
CMS Dashboard
You can clean up your dashboard. Deleting items from your dashboard will not delete the actual data in the CMS.
If you need to add, edit or delete values from the VSBA taxonomies, please get in touch with us and we can easily edit the taxonomy. Note, any changes must be done before an import that has changed taxonomy values. Please also ensure that there are no blank spaces at the end of a taxonomy term in your XLXS spreadsheet - the term needs to be an exact match.
VSBA taxonomies and values include:
VSBA status
Land acquisition
VSBA Funding type
Building Blocks Capacity Grant
Building Blocks Improvement Grant
Building Blocks Inclusion Grant
Building Blocks Planning Grant
Early Learning Facilities Upgrade
Early Learning Facility Upgrade
Education Plan
Inclusive Schools Fund
Integrated Children's Centre
Kindergarten Modular Upgrade
Kindergarten on a School Site
Minor Capital Works Fund
New Academy
New Centre
New Early Learning Facility
New Integrated Children's Centre
New Integrated Early Learning Centre
New School
New School Campus
New Specialist School Campus
Non-Government Schools Capital Fund
Permanent Modular School Buildings Program
Planned Maintenance Program
School Improvement Fund
School Pride and Sports Fund
Shared Facilities Fund
Sporting Facility Upgrade
Tech Schools
Upgrade and Modernisation
Map pin type
Early childhood
New school
Non-governmet grant
School upgrade
Tech school