Create an event page

You can use the Event content type to promote an upcoming event. It allows you to add a date, location, price, booking link, categories and tags.

Event pages can be created in 2 ways:

  1. Roll over Content and then roll over Add content and click on Event.

  2. Click Content, click the +Add content button and click on Event.

Parts of the Event page are mandatory and are indicated with a red asterisk.

On this page:

Event fields


Enter a unique, SEO-focused event title. This will display as the page title in the live website. Your title can be a maximum of 70 characters (stop at 80 characters remaining).

Feature image

You can add an image to your event. This image will appear on the Card Event tile or cards in a carousel if you're promoting the event across the website.

Image dimensions: 818px wide x 496px high


This is the meta description that is shown on Google search results.

  • Aim for 10-15 words (or a maximum of 150 characters, including spaces).

  • Make it meaningful: don’t just copy and paste the first sentence from the content. It needs to describe the content of the page using keywords that will help people find it.

  • Use Google Trends to see what keywords people are using most in searches.

  • Be specific: if the page is about an application, service, form, or process, specify which one and what it does.


Use this to tell people about your event. Remember to keep it short, interesting and highlight any key activities or features.

Topics and tags

Without topics and tags you can't automatically display your events on your landing and content pages. They also help users to discover events in search results. The topics and tags lists are controlled by content administrators.

Choose the most applicable topic from the following list:

  • Arts, culture and heritage

  • Business

  • Communities

  • Housing

  • Education

  • Environment

  • Equality

  • Health

  • Justice

  • Jobs

  • Sport and recreation

  • Science and technology

  • Transport


Choose 1 to 3 of the most applicable audience tags:

  • Aboriginal Victorians

  • Business

  • Government


  • Men

  • Migrants

  • Not for profit groups

  • People with disability

  • Students

  • Older Victorians

  • Parents and carers

  • Under 18s

  • Veterans

  • Victims of crime and victim survivors

  • Women


You need to tag your event to a website.

If your event lives on a semi-independent site:

Background colour: white is used for most pages. Pages with lots of navigation links, such as home pages, use grey.

Body content

  • Add your body content in the Body field. You could use this field to add more details about scheduled activities.

  • Paste as plain text (Shift+Ctrl+V) to paste in your content. This removes the formatting applied by Word or other programs.

    • Use the icons and dropdowns on the toolbar in the Body field to format your content.

    • Add an image using the Media icon at a maximum of 818px wide.

  • For more information on formatting body content, see the Format body content section.

Event details

Date range

  • You'll need to add a Start date and End date as mandatory.

  • There's also option to add a Start time and End time.


  • Fields are all mandatory here.

Price and Price to

  • If there's a price range for a ticketed event, you'll need to include a Price and Price to amount. However, if your event is free, you'll need to add this to the Price field.

Event requirements

You can add up to 3 tags in the Event requirements section:

  • Accessible venue

  • Child friendly

  • Free admission

  • Online event

  • Seniors

Click on Add another item to add more than 1.


CTA which clearly calls out how someone can RSVP or book a ticket for the event.

Event category

You can add a category to your event from a predefined list, including:

  • Agriculture

  • Arts, exhibitions and design

  • Business training and networking

  • Celebrate our diversity

  • Children

  • Comedy

  • Community events and fundraisers

  • Festivals and major events

  • Film and cinema

  • Food and drink

  • Free events

  • Games

  • History and heritage

  • Markets and shopping

  • Music

  • Older Victorians

  • Regional communities

  • School holiday activities

  • Science and nature

  • Sport and exercise

  • State funeral

  • Talks and workshops

  • Theatre and dance

  • Wellbeing


You can add an audience to your event from a predefined list, including:

  • Individual

  • Business

  • Government

  • Not-for-profit organisations

  • Side bar and promoting your event

Related links

See the Related links and What's next page.


See the Adding a contact block page.

Social sharing

Always have social sharing on unless you have permission for an exception from the administrators.

Promote your event

After the event has been published, you can use the latest events feature to promote your event on one or more pages across the website.