Start a publishing queue under the federated publishing model

You can request a publishing queue if your Single Digital Presence site is hosted on and your team:

  • provides web content for a distinct audience group (not an organisation)

  • looks after more than 200 pages

  • has, or will have, at least 2 digital specialists (minimum 2 years' experience each)

  • commits to maintaining content and reporting annually on content performance.

Once implemented, designated approvers will be able to manage the publishing and archiving of information on via their own publishing queues in Jira.

Approvers are responsible for making sure all content follows the Victorian Government style guide and meets digital accessibility requirements, and for measuring content performance.

Steps to get your publishing queue running

  1. Seek approval from your parent department’s central digital content team. They may require further approvals, such as from your department’s digital management committee.

  2. The lead approver in your organisation should submit an SDP support request for a publishing queue and details of who provided the approval.

  3. The Single Digital Presence team will reach out with questions to confirm your eligibility.

  4. If approved, nominate your 2 digital specialists to complete the publishing queue training which will give them publishing permissions in the CMS. If your 2 nominees have not already completed editor training, they’ll need to request a Vic Gov CMS account and complete editor training first.

  5. The SDP team requests the setup of a Jira project and Jira accounts for the approvers so they can process tickets in their queue.

  6. Once your 2 digital specialists have completed the approver readiness program, your queue will be turned on.

Workflow for federated publishing

When a user saves a page with the status ‘needs review’ or ‘archive pending’, this triggers a Jira ticket to be created.

Our Jira ticketing system has logic that directs the ticket to the relevant publishing queue (Jira project) and subqueue based on the users ‘department’ field in their CMS user account and the page’s site or site section.

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