Custom component brief template

To be completed by vendors for SDP team to assess. Any new functionality should be packaged up into a repository for the front end and a repository for the backend. It should be able to be installed with the relevant package manager, that is, npm or composer.

When complete send to technical lead

Component name



Useful information here is what does the component do?

A process or sequence diagram is also helpful.

Include screenshots where appropriate.

What happens in error/exception situations?



Questions to answer here include:

What extra Drupal/npm modules does this change require?

Are any other third-party modules required?

When extra code has been added, is it well supported and maintained?

Does any third-party code have a proper release, that is, are we trying to avoid alpha code?



Can this be tested in non-production environments?

What automated testing does this component provide?


Required Cron Jobs

What frequency is required for these cron jobs?

How many pieces of content are expected to be updated if they update and create content?

Should these updates reflect in Elastic search?


Required environment variables

Are these variables required to be different in different environments?


Install and uninstall

Has this component been installed and tested on the reference site?

Does this component uninstall and re-install cleanly? For Drupal modules this includes drush en as well as composer remove



How is this component viewed on desktop?

How is this component viewed on mobile?