Site-section landing page guidelines

Rules for site-section landing pages (for example: LGBTI equality, Veterans and Women), including the use of campaigns, topics and tags and sidebar components.

Page header section

  • Title (mandatory)

  • Intro (mandatory)

  • Summary (mandatory – this is the meta description that displays in search results and also in the card components)

  • Feature image – this doesn't display on this page; it displays where this page is linked to from another page using a navigation automated featured link

  • Key journeys are optional – only use them if you have popular content that you want to always have easily accessible on your landing page (for example, inclusive language guide on the LGBTI equality subsite)

Primary and secondary campaigns

  • There are 2 campaign banners available – these are used to promote an event or initiative across multiple pages due to its importance.

  • Primary campaigns can only be used on home.

  • Secondary campaigns can be used on site sections. These sit at the bottom of pages just above the footer.

See how to create and insert campaigns

Body content section

Site-section landing pages should have:

  • 1 x Navigation featured automated link to highlight 1 key piece of content. There must be a feature image attached on the destination/linked page or it won't display properly.

  • Navigation automated for links to all other main sections of the subsite.

Site-section landing pages should also have a Call to action feature promoting:

  • grants, prizes and awards that are open for application

  • Engage Victoria consultations that are running

Find out more about content components you can use in the body content.

Sidebar components

You can choose to add content and display the following sidebar components:

  • Site-section navigation (mandatory)

  • Related links and/or What's next (optional)

  • Contact (if available)

  • Social sharing (mandatory)

Find out more about sidebar components.

Topic and tags

  • Topic is mandatory.

  • Tags are optional and you can select up to 3.

Site and primary site MUST be selected for all sites under both the Site and Primary site headings.

Under the Site heading, you should also select the site section. These terms are managed in the taxonomy section by site administrators.

Background colour

Grey must be selected as the background colour for site-section landing pages.

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