How to improve SEO ranking of live content

It is important to revisit existing site content and update when necessary. Google values fresh content, so keeping information updated/accurate is an important part of SEO.

Steps to refresh existing content

  1. Review existing content and current keyword rankings.

  2. Complete a competitor analysis to identify any gaps within existing content.

  3. Audit the search landscape: evaluate whether existing content aligns with search intent. Identify content gaps that current content may not include.

  4. Update content:

    1. remove outdated information

    2. add additional content based on competitive/landscape analysis.

Check you're ranking for the right search term

Use the search performance dashboard to check: 

  • what search terms your content is ranking for 

  • what search ranking each page has. 

Your page should be addressing the user intent when they are searching for that keyword. If that’s not clear you may have to do some user research

You have the right search term 

If your ranking isn't number one but the search term is appropriate then you should update your content and develop a linking strategy. 

The search term doesn’t seem right 

If the search term you're ranking on is generic or inappropriate then you should set a more appropriate search term target and update your content.

Update your content for SEO 

Go back to basics and make sure your title, metadata and content are best practice.

Create a linking strategy

If search engines see other reputable websites are linking to you then your ranking will go up as this is evidence that you're an authoritative website. 

Make sure the websites have a good reputation e.g. other government websites, or your ranking may get worse.

Your linking strategy can be as simple as researching other web pages that are covering the same topic and emailing them requesting a link is added to their page. Most websites have a contact us page if you don't have a contact.          

Do highlight the benefit to them of linking to your page e.g. providing their readers with information about a new support program or providing useful information from a trusted source. If you can’t identify this, it’s another sign your content is probably not useful enough for users to rank well.

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