Bulk publishing pages

CMS Approvers are able to publish multiple pages at a time as shown below.



  1. Navigate to Content

  2. Select Moderated content for filtering options on unpublished status

  3. Filter the site or sub-site your unpublished pages are located on

  4. Select the pages you are bulk publishing using the tick boxes next to the TITLE

  5. Use the Action drop down menu and choose Publish content

  6. Click the Apply to selected items button

    Screenshot of CMS Approver option to bulk publish pages

Publishing media library assets

Media library assets such as publications and images are set to publish automatically. If you change the default to keep them in draft you will have to publish each asset one-by-one as there is no bulk publish feature available for the media library.

Media library assets are not discoverable through internal or external search so the likelihood of published media library assets being discovered by external users without being added to a published page is low. If the document is sensitive or embargoed content then you have the option to keep it in draft.

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