Navigation card
You can add a navigation card to a landing page to display links to internal and external content. The multiple cards will stack vertically.
To view the front-end design of the Navigation card, visit the Ripple design system.
How to add a navigation card
Scroll down to Page content
Click on Add component and select Navigation card.
There are up to 4 fields to complete depending on the link you use:
Link (required)
Title (required)
Summary (optional, but recommended)
Card display style (defaults to no image)
This is the link to the page featured on the card.
Internal links: start typing the page name. If the page is published, it will show up as a 'relative URL'. Don't paste the full 'absolute URL', which includes the full address.
External links: use the full, 'absolute' URL.
If you want to link to a page in the CMS but show a different title, summary or image (or all 3), paste the destination page's full URL into the link field and fill out the other fields with your custom information. If you choose this way of setting up a promotion card, you don't have the option to display supplemental info (such as displaying the topic on the card).
This is the title that will appear on the card. We recommend using the page title.
The title will auto-generate if you use an internal link.
Although this field is optional, we recommended writing a short description. You can use the destination page's introduction text.
The summary will auto-generate if you use an internal link.
Card display style
This option allows you to choose one of:
No image
For the 2 image options, the destination page - the page you're linking to - needs to have a Feature image uploaded.