Search listing options for SDP websites


This is a beta feature under active development. All search listings are currently built by the SDP team.

Background of search listings

Before Ripple 2, we had custom-built dynamic listing pages for specific use cases, such as our grants listing and honour rolls. Each one was built by a developer and any change required a production deployment.

For the Ripple 2 rollout, we created the search listing content type, which can be configured, edited and published by Site administrators.

Standard search listings can be built using existing attributes in the CMS, such as content type, site section and taxonomies (e.g. a news listing, a grants listing, an events listing, a listing of all publications on a topic).

To use other attributes (vocabularies), additional custom work is required.

Who can create them

Currently the Search listing content type/template is only available to Site admins and Admins. Search listings for sites using the CMS must be built by the SDP team - even very simple ones such as News listings.

CMS editors and approvers can use the Content collection component in the Landing page content type for similar functionality. However, the content collection will only display 9 results and has basic (out of the box) search configuration.

What’s on search listing pages

Search listing pages have three main sections: keyword search, filters and results.

Keyword search

A text input to search the collection by keyword.


Configurable options for the user to filter search results. These are attributes (e.g. taxonomies) attached to content types, such as Landing page, News, etc.


We currently support the following search result display options:

  • List

  • Grid (card)

  • Table


Maps are also a type of search listing. Read more about interactive map options for SDP, including how to request one.

Live SDP search listing maps:

Some live examples

Examples of custom search listings on include:

How to request an SDP search listing

  1. Tell us your requirements by completing the search listing requirements template. If you want a map, see the

  2. Submit a Platform enhancement request with the requirements document attached.

  3. An SDP product owner will advise of our capacity and potentially provide a quote and timeline.

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