SDP release notes - releases prior to 1.39

On this page:

Release 1.38.0

The major focus for release 1.38.0 is to deliver the following:

  • To maintain accessibility standards, written video transcripts are now mandatory when you upload/ embed a video within the CMS.

  • Minor visual updates to the Timeline component

  • Update to strip out unicode when copying text from word processes into the basic text bock which has previously been causing formatting issues.

  • Minor update to how headings display within the main navigation of SDP websites to make them look more clickable.

  • Improvements to the CMS publishing workflow which will provide the SDP content with much more detail when receiving publishing requests.

  • Minor update to the alert banner colours for some departments.

  • A number of minor Victorian School Building Authority specific bug fixes

Release 1.37.0

The major focus for release 1.37.0 is to deliver the following:

  • Move to Drupal 9

  • Bullet point lists - additional spacing

  • Accessibility fixes

  • Bugs

Release 1.36.0

The major focus for release 1.36.0 is to deliver the following:

  • Replacing the events log tracker with admin audit trail

    • Drupal 9.2 does not support events log tracker. There is a dependency to update to admin audit trail before updating to Drupal 9.2.

  • Add multiple languages to be supported

  • Add ‘last update’ date field reference to documents that will display to website users

  • Bugs

Release 1.35.0

The major focus for release 1.35.0 is to deliver the following:

  • Completed round 1 of the CMS improvements by updating the Grants Content type

  • Decommission the Featured News component and migrating the content into the navigation card.

  • Expose the keyword field to Google Analytics so that we can get metrics on the which content type is being used.

  • Bugs

Release 1.34.0

The major focus for release 1.34.0 is to deliver the following:

  • content editor will have Dashboard to view a summary of the pages that they have created and/or edited

  • landing, news, publication and publication page content types have been amended to a more user friendly experience including help text and relabelling

  • contact block can now be added to the News content type

  • tags, site and primary site fields have moved to the right hand side column

  • lock pages will have an expiry time of 4 hours

  • remove authenticated content to only be available for sites that use authenticated content


Using your CMS dashboard

Each editor now has their own personalised dashboard when they login to the CMS. They will be able to view a summary of the pages that they have created and/or edited.

User guide instructions: Using your CMS dashboard

Create new page

Landing pages have been amended to a more user friendly experience.

User guide instructions: Create new page

Adding news content page

News pages have been amended to a more user friendly experience.

User guide instructions: Adding news content page

Create online publication

Publication pages have been amended to a more user friendly experience.

User guide instructions: Create online publication

Release 1.33.0

The major focus for release 1.33.0 is to deliver the following:

  • developed a new component ‘Data tables’ that is responsive

  • changes made to the CMS to prevent editors from editing the same page at the same time

Data table component

Developed a new component ‘Data tables’ to enabled editors to build tables that can support different table format displays on mobiles devices. The complete supports both row-oriented and column-oriented tables.

User guide instructions: Use the data table component


Editors will not be able to edit a content page at the same time another editor is editing a page. The page will be locked and will prevent the editor from making edits at the same time.

User guide instructions: Editing an existing page

Release 1.32.0

The major focus for release 1.32.0 is to deliver 'Card consolidation - Navigation and Promotion cards'.

The selection of multiple card components in the CMS has now been consolidated into 2 card components - Navigation and Promotion cards.

Navigation cards

Navigation cards are used to:

  • used to create prominent links to any type of content

  • used individually or in groups

  • intended to allow users to navigate deeper into or sideways in a topic

  • intended for 2-column page layouts

User guide instructions: Body content components

Promotion cards

Promotion cards are used to:

  • used to create a tiled grid linking to a variety of different content

  • never used alone

  • intended for 3-column page layouts

User guide instructions: Body content components

Release 1.31.0

The major focus for release 1.31.0 is to deliver the following:

  • provide functionality to do a complete file deletion from the CMS

  • provide the ability to create a shared link to a page for anonymous users to view

  • improve preview

  • provide the ability to clone pages

  • bug fixes

Create a shared link to a page for anonymous users to view

Content editors can create and share a link for people that don't have access to the CMS.

User guide instructions: Create a new content page - Create and share a preview link

Improve preview links

Content editors can save a draft of their page and you can preview what it will look like.

User guide instructions: Create a new content page - Preview your draft page

Clone pages

Content editors can clone an existing landing page.Cloning a page will copy the page title, content, site section(s) and any sidebar components. Once a page is cloned, the editor will have to update the page title and the URL, and possibly the site section(s).

User guide instructions: Clone an existing content page

Expand/Collapse all function for accordions

Once an accordion has been published, it will show a button for 'Open all' and 'Close all' in the front end.

User guide instructions: Body content components - Accordion

Releases 1.31.1 and 1.31.2

The major focus for releases 1.31.1 and 1.31.2 is to fix bugs.

Release 1.30.0

The major focus for release 1.30.0 is to deliver the following:

  • Add quick exit button to site section(s)

  • Card Collection: The card collection component (mvp) will be released to Solar. This component uses the new promotional card version 2.

  • Bugs

Add quick exit button to site section(s)

Quick Exit button can be added to site sections only, so that end users can quickly exit the website if necessary.

User guide instructions: Quick exit

Lists: allow control of style of list item identifiers in nested lists and combination of list types

An editor can nest list down to 4 or 5 levels and combined numbered and ordered lists on a landing page.

User guide instructions: Format basic text - Bulleted or numbered lists

Improve icons loading performance

Reduce the loading time for all svg icons to improve performance across sites.

Anchor link doesn't support other languages

Table of content supports H2 and H3 headings that are in languages other than English.

Append site title to title metatag

Site title metatags is appended to all sites. All sites will display in the following format: a pipeline – space – title of site (for example, | RCMPI appended to the end of the page title metatag for RCMPI)

Release 1.30.1 - Hero image for publications

Content Editors can now add hero images to publications, delivering a better design experience to support major publication releases.

You can add a hero images to both parent and child pages. The hero images use the same image specifications as a landing page.

At this stage, when you “Print all” only the hero image on the parent page will print.

User guide instructions: Create an online publication - Create the publication landing page

User guide instructions: Add a hero image or introduction banner - Add a feature hero image

Release 1.30.1 - Updating the robots.txt for existing sites

This will improve search engine optimisation across all sites.


Release 1.29.0

The major focus for release 1.29.0 is to deliver the following: 

Table of contents - H2 & H3 headings

User guide instructions: Body content components - Anchor links (Show table of contents)

WYSIWYG callout

A new callout style has been added with a different look but its main feature is that you can add headings and multiple paragraphs, list formatting and inline links. It appears with a blue shaded box behind it and a blue line down the left.

User guide instructions: Format basic text - Callouts

Release 1.28.0

The major focus for release 1.28.0 is to deliver the following: 

  • change summary field in the timeline component used on landing pages to WYSIWYG to allow additional formatting

  • bug fixes

  • CMS improvements:

    • Update media star icon in the media library

    • Change summary field in the timeline component used on landing pages to WYSIWYG to allow additional formatting

    • Allow iframe height to be CNS configurable


The Summary field includes a WYSIWYG section where you can include formatting like links, bullet points and styling.

User guide instructions: Body content components - Timelines

Release 1.27.0

The major focus for release 1.27.0 is to deliver the following: 

  • ability to set a focal point on images used in hero banner (header) and cards.

  • CMS improvements

  • bug fixes


  • daily update component

  • compact card collection

Introduction banner

An amendment was made to the ‘Introduction banner’ component to provide editors the ability to set a different display style (for example,  buttons, icons). The summary field has been updated to a WYSIWYG with content migrated to this new field.

User guide instructions: Add an introduction banner

Release 1.26.0

The major focus for release 1.26.0 is to deliver the following:

  • CMS "view" tab - moved introduction to top

  • Bulk publish

  • Archive multiple pages at once

  • Limit max-width of body content copy

  • Hide unsupported features in the "Actions" drop down list

  • Alerts not appearing in search results

Release 1.25.0

The major focus for release 1.25.0 is to deliver the following: 

  • site menu and navigation fixes

  • addition of a home link on mobile

  • summary appears on search results for all content types

There were also bug fixes.

We implemented website fixes specific to the OVGA website.


  • change order of status in drop-down list for Editors

Release 24

The major focus for release 1.24.0 is to deliver the following: 

  • update to Drupal 8.8.6

  • Editors can now manage the display of topics on promotional cards

  • CMS improvements:

    • remove unsupported webform elements

    • remove the ability to add/upload video to the CMS

    • only administrators have access to JWT

  • bug fixes


Release 23

The major focus for Release 23 is to deliver updates for, and semi-independent websites.

  • complex listing functionality:

    • migrating the Recommendations from the Royal Commission into Family Violence from the old CMS to SDP -view the new recommendations page

    • allows users to view a listing page of all items in a collection

    • items within this collection have a content page detailing each recommendation

  • editors can now request a page to be archived via the dropdown above the page save button

  • IP addresses are no longer being automatically collected with webform submissions

  • optimisation

  • bug fixes

  • accessibility remediation for Tide and Ripple

Release 22

The major focus for Release 22 is to deliver the following:

  • roles and permissions- all Content Editors will be assigned against site section(s) and will only be able to add/edit content into their assigned sections. When a Content Editor logs in, they will see a preset filtered view of their content and assets in the media library.

  • YouTube channeloption now available in the Social media section within the Contact block. Content Editors can now add their YouTube channel to any landing page. This is in addition to adding Twitter, Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn.

  • bug fixes

  • regression testing

  • deployment roll-back test

Release 21

The major focus for release 21 is to deliver the following:

  • move modules under thedpc-sdp/ directory of content-vic to tide_core as sub-modules

  • custom modules (for a website) stored indpc-sdp/ directory will be moved to the projects docroot/modules/custom directory

  • reduce the JS bundle size

  • bug fixes


  • Profile: Shrine Resources content type and taxonomy

  • Profile: Victorian Design Review Panel content type

  • Alphabetical listing of content types

Release 20

A major release with the following updates:

  • workflow notification – you will receive an email notification if you are an editor/approver

  • publication fixes

    • front-end - Author now displaying, print functionality working for all publication pages (click on “Print full document”)

    • back-end - multiple authors can be added

  • various bug fixes

Release 18.3

A minor release with the following updates:

  • updating the ‘navigation automated content’ component to be able to link to a publication. This gives the ability to link to a publication from any content pages which has the ‘Navigation Automated’ component.

  • remove the mandatory status on the comments field. This means a response can be submitted from the ‘Was this page helpful’ section without a need for a comment.

  • update the sort order of the ‘Honour Roll’ component to be ‘year inducted’ descending format

  • various bug fixes

Release 18.1

  • Image credit in primary banner- the ability to credit an image which is hosted in primary banner, this allows credit to either the image or the photographer

  • Image credit for a hero image- within the footer of the website there is no the ability to credit an image which is hosted in hero image which is placed within the hero banner, this allows credit to either the image or the photographer

  • Aboriginal Victoria- setup of new site instance, including a new Aboriginal honour roll feature

  • Content summary improvements- there are an additional site, sub-site and moderation status within the main content summary admin screen. There are new filters  at the top of the screen to easily segment the content based on the selected fields

  • Other enhancements

    • default image added to the site taxonomy to be used in social share

    • various bugs

Release 17

  • Global notifications- this global notification component is for non-emergency notifications. It is an additional component to complement the existing emergency alert component.The notification pushes the entire webpage down from the top and continues to display on all pages until manually dismissed by the user.

  • Scheduled publishing- scheduled updates functionality has been upgraded to a new module. This allows us to set a time to:

    • publish content that has already been published

    • archive content

Link to the documentation can be found here:

  • Topics tags- we are making it easier to browse and search by adding topic tags on the 'landing' and 'page' content types. This will direct to a user to a search results page, allowing users to see a list of content which is associated with that topic tag. 

  • Acknowledgement to country- after research and feedback from Aboriginal Victorians through a number of focus groups across Victoria, we have included the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island flags to the acknowledgement of country.

  • Data importer- the data importer is a highly reusable data transformer, which transforms and stores data from various formats into a Drupal format which can be ingested into the CMS. Its benefits include

    • download and cache API data from JSON/XML so that multiple requests need not download the original data source again

    • transform the source data from a particular format to Drupal format

The first use case for this tool was to transform a 3rd party XML into a drupal events feed. This has then been amalgamated with the sites current drupal events to combine both curated and imported content.

  • Other enhancements

    • default privacy statement to appear on every form

    • refine the display of grants status

    • all external links will open in the same window

    • various bugs

Release 16.1

The major focus for release 16.1 is to deliver the following:

  • restructure to move ripple to a monorepo

  • Video Transcript field changed from text field to WYSIWYG

  • update the Content summary page and add additional filters