SDP 1.48.0 release notes

SDP release 1.48.0 is scheduled for Monday 13 May 2024.


The major focus for release 1.48.0 is to deliver:

  • Update Tide to Drupal 10.2.5

  • Update PHP to 8.3

  • Several Ripple updates

  • Feature enhancements:

    • Landing page header to support call to action with full header image

    • Footer menu: ability to control the display to show 1 or 2 levels

  • Bug fixes:

    • Image captions are back

* Display configuration updates made via feature flags are a site admin or admin task and require a support request.

Back end: Tide CMS updates

CMS system and security updates

  • Update Tide to Drupal 10.2.5

  • Update PHP to 8.3

New CMS features and feature updates

  • Search listing:

    • added basic text component above search listing results

    • JSON blob configuration in the Search Configuration field will override user input in the Listing configuration, Global filters, User filters and Results sections in the user interface

    • no results message behaviour amended for ISE list

    • enabled search filters to display ‘open’ on page load via JSON blob

    • enabled addition of Secondary campaign

    • DTP technical publications search listing project, indexing media items

  • Content collection component: added 2 more content types to improve functionality: Event, Publication (currently only enabled for Landing page and News)

  • Search listing content type and Content collection component: JSON blob configuration now works on both

  • Content category attribute: added mandatory content category selection in all core content types in SDP core; attribute selection predefined for some content types (news, event, grant, search listing)

  • Maps:

    • map detail card heading is hyperlinked to detail page

    • popup closes when user clicks back on map, no longer needs to manually close popup

    • VSBA data export CSV new column added

  • Data tables: created table cell types that hyperlink automatically for common use cases (URL, email, telephone)

  • Share this page: sharing a page via WhatsApp and email can now be enabled via feature flag*

  • Accordions: ability to add a rich-text description that displays between accordion title and first accordion item

  • Feedback: changed manual export of all Was this page helpful feedback to an automated task

CMS bug fixes

  • Node/page save default option is ‘Draft’ not ‘Published’ (bug inadvertently introduced in 1.47)

  • Permissions:

    • Approver can do bulk archiving of pages they have permission to archive

    • Approver can not edit taxonomies/vocabs on all CMS instances

  • Search listing:

    • now includes mandatory, autopopulating Department field

    • profile titles now findable via site search on FPSR site

  • Publications: Share links now working

  • Sitemap: custom link is now generated when new Simple XML sitemap added

  • Iframe embed: URL character limit increased from 255 to 400

  • CMS top menu: items removed from the ‘CMS support’ menu and renamed to ‘Help’ due to old SDP website being deprecated, most content archived and moved to SDP help portal

  • Feedback: was this page helpful yes or no answer was being redacted in error. Now being retained in datalayer. Submission of feedback form bug fixed for EPA

  • Media items: 700,000 duplicate media items removed

  • News: publish date display bug fixed (VicPol)

CMS features deprecated

  • Latest events component deprecated (instead use the Content collection component or the Search listing content type)

  • Header extras > Search banner > Search block: 2 options removed from the dropdown (News, Events); these options were causing an error and are not required on Search banner now we have the Search listing content type and Content collection component

  • Call to action: card version deprecated; banner version retained (BE to be updated in future)

Front end: Ripple 2.7.0, 2.7.1, 2.8.0, 2.8.1, 2.8.2, 2.8.3 updates

Ripple 2 new features

  • Header with hero image can include CTA button (dark theme)

  • Footer: you can control to display 1 level of menu or 2 via feature flag*

  • Share this page: added WhatsApp and email options (via service desk request)

  • ISE search listing results: table view supports ‘More info / Less info’ accordion to allow compact view and user control

  • Header: added Call to action button and links

  • Maps:

    • background setting updated in JSON configuration for VSBA map

    • VicPol police station locator map developed

    • maps design and functionality review and updates

  • News pages/content type: you can turn off display of ‘Published’ label and updated date on front end via feature flag*

Ripple 2 bug fixes

  • Embedded documents:

    • 'Last updated date' will now display on FE as it did with Ripple 1

    • relative document links work

  • Form label text size, colour and spacing review and update

  • Search listing:

    • results design and functionality review and update

    • search field text size and predictive text behaviour review and update

    • dropdown selection keyboard actions review and update for accessibility

    • ‘No results’ message no longer displaying briefly before results load

    • news results list view displays full URL

  • Kinder calculator event tracking bug fixed

  • Promo card spacing reviewed and updated

  • Profile image alt text bug fixed

  • Anchor link: code displaying as text removed

  • Image captions display bug fixed

  • Social media footer links: LinkedIn logo displaying for URL ‘’ as well as ‘’

  • Footer: the (default) Vic Gov logo can be removed on independent sites via feature flag*

  • Tables display full-width (no background white box displaying on pages with grey background)

  • VSBA map: Clear search filter button hover behaviour reviewed and updated; focus colour updated

  • Grants content type: buttons in accordions display bug fixed

  • Expandable sections behaviour (e.g. Was this page helpful radios): fixed a regression bug related to the addition of the open-by-default search filters