SDP 1.45.0 release notes

New features

Improvements to CMS webforms

  • Added a multi-checkbox form field, which lets users select multiple options from a list

  • Improved the conditional logic so that if a user changes a response in an earlier field, any other fields that should no longer be visible will have their values cleared

  • Enabled the option to hide the 'submit' button using conditional logic, which will stop ineligible users from being able to complete a form and allow CMS editors to create interactive decision trees

  • Improved the ‘clear’ button so that it now reapplies any conditional logic states so that, for example, if a field should only be visible when a specific value is provided, it will be hidden again after using the ‘clear’ button

Added 'compact card collection' component

The compact card collection is now part of the core SDP components. 

Simplified publishing workflow for industry partners

Industry partner editors can now save their work without the update going through their department publishing team. This allows their subject matter experts to review the page and submit the page for publishing.

Made user roles visible on profiles

CMS editors can now view their permission level, called 'user role', in their profile.

New corner graphics for Disaster Legal Help site

There are new corner graphics on

Changed features

New ways to use ‘content category’ taxonomy

  • Added field for content category taxonomy to content types

  • Added content category taxonomy field to elastic search

  • Added ability to filter parent and child terms under content category taxonomy

Visit our knowledge base article to learn more about the 'content category' field.

Updated ‘department’ taxonomy to reflect recent changes

We have updated the department taxonomy and content pages across to reflect the recent machinery of government changes.

Removed features

Removed 'show advanced filters' checkbox from the content collection component

We’ve removed the 'show advanced filters' checkbox from the content collection component. Advanced filters are now always visible when configuring this component.

Removed the 'restricted' checkbox from media items

We've removed the 'restricted' checkbox from media items to avoid user confusion. It appeared pre-selected but served no known purpose. 

Disabled CMS spellchecker 

We've disabled the spellcheck feature as it is no longer supported.

System and security updates

  • Updated SDP to Drupal 9.5.x

  • Updated CMS webform version to 6.2.x

  • Updated CMS to use Drupal's 'Claro' theme

  • Created drush task to verify and add missing or extra items to search index

  • Removed 'scheduled transitions' tab from CMS as it functioned the same as 'scheduled updates' tab

  • Changed 'DPC' to 'DGS' on CMS Drupal webforms collection notice

  • Updated user permissions across demo content

  • Cleaned up errors in Sumo logs to make troubleshooting easier

Bug fixes

  • Fixed webform bug so now all exported submissions will display as exported

  • Fixed bug in content collection component so that selecting 'clear filters' will now clear applied search filters

  • [Shrine] Added missing help text on under ‘content category’ to the ‘Create/Edit ‘Profile: Shrine Resources’ page

  • [Premier] Fixed bug for so now media releases publish to @VicGovtNews Twitter account again

  • [Legal Aid] Fixed bug on so now updated URL/aliases show up in search results

  • [Police Museum] Amended colour stripe on site map and 404 pages to match brand colours

  • [School Buildings] Removed data extract button from site admins

  • [MHCC] Fixed font colour on social media links

  • Fixed address search bug on and Study early childhood education page

  • Changed JSON API responses behaviour to allow client API change requests backward compatibility