How to use the content design page: Google Analytics 4 (GA4) dashboard

This guide covers the content design page of the GA4 dashboard. This page include details about accordions, link clicks, buttons, outbound clicks and video interactions.

On this page:


  • Accordion: name of the specific accordion, usually set as a heading 2 or heading 3.

  • Event count: number of times the accordion was clicked on to expand by a unique visitor within a session, displayed as a number.

  • % of accordion events: number of times the accordion was clicked on to expand by a unique visitor within a session, displayed as a percentage.

If you click on either of the Unique Events columns, you can choose to sort this data from most to least clicked on (arrow pointing down), or least to most clicked on (arrow pointing up).


Link clicks

  • Link text: the word or phrase that has been included in the hyperlink. For example, Visit Regional Development Victoria.

  • Link URL: the internal or external link that the users are opening.

  • Event count: number of times a link was clicked by a unique user within a session, displayed as a number.

  • % of total link clicks: number of times a link was clicked by a unique user within a session, displayed as a number.


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