How to use the search page: Google Analytics 4 (GA4) dashboard

The Google search page shows what terms users are adding to Google search before they land on the website.

Tops search terms (Google search)

This table will always display results for the entire website, even if you choose specific filter options at the top of the dashboard.

  • Query: keywords visitors use in Google Search to find specific information, a site or a page.

  • URL clicks: number of clicks on a URL that leads to our site.

  • Δ (next to URL clicks): increase or decrease in the URL clicks. An increase will have a green arrow, and a decrease will have a red arrow and be a negative number.

  • URL CTR: percentage of impressions of a URL that resulted in a click.

  • Δ (next to URL CTR): increase or decrease in the URL CTR.

  • Impressions: how often someone sees a link to our page on Google Search. The link might or might not need to be scrolled or expanded into view.

  • (next to impressions): increase or decrease in the impressions, displayed as a percentage.

Google search terms per landing page

This table provides insights into which pages visitors land on after searching on Google and clicking a URL displayed in the results.

  • Landing page: pages that visitors land on to enter

  • URL clicks: number of clicks on that URL from Google search results.

In the top right corner of the table you can also select a filtering option (e.g. Contains or Starts with) and add keywords to see which pages rank for a specific search query. The keywords have to be in the page’s title for them to rank.


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