This page covers the Feedback section of the GA4 dashboard. This page includes sessions, visitor data, devices, feedback and a top 5 summary of search, grants, publications, news and downloads.
This page shows how many visitors provide feedback by using the “Was this page helpful?” survey that is at the bottom of most pages.
Yes/No events table #1
The first table and the pie chart next to it is related to the feedback given by visitors who click either the Yes or No radio button in the survey, regardless of whether they end up submitting this response or not.
This can be useful to track as sometimes users may not realise there is a submit button attached to the survey.
Feedback results: Yes or no, as an answer to “Was this page helpful?”.
Total events (1): The total feedback for each value (yes or no) received, displayed as numbers.
Total events (2): The total feedback for each value (yes or no) received, displayed as a percentage.
% Δ (next to the total events): An increase or decrease in the total events. An increase will have a green arrow, and a decrease will have a red arrow and be a negative number.
Unique events: The number of times feedback is given by a unique visitor within a session.
% Δ (next to the unique events): An increase or decrease in the unique events.
Yes/No events table #2
This second table shows the feedback received after a visitor clicks on a radio button and also submits the response:
Feedback submitted: Yes or no, as an answer to “Was this page helpful?”.
Total events (1): The total feedback for each value (yes or no) received, displayed as numbers.
Total events (2): The total feedback for each value (yes or no) received, displayed as a percentage.
% Δ (next to the total events): An increase or decrease in the total events. An increase will have a green arrow, and a decrease will have a red arrow and be a negative number.
Unique events: The number of times feedback is given and submitted by a unique visitor within a session.
% Δ (next to the unique events): An increase or decrease in the unique events.
All events
This table includes all responses, such as whether a user has selected Yes or No, as well as how many users submitted a comment or cancelled their submission.
Feedback results: Yes or No as an answer to “Was this page helpful?” as well as whether a comment was submitted or cancelled.
Total events: The total number for each value.
% Δ (next to the total events): An increase or decrease in the total events. An increase will have a green arrow, and a decrease will have a red arrow and be a negative number.
Unique events: The number of times this response is given by a unique visitor within a session.
% Δ (next to the unique events): An increase or decrease in the unique events.