Google Analytics (legacy) dashboard - Pages and downloads

This page focuses on the performance of top pages and downloaded files.

Top pages

Page detail

This table shows the performance of top pages for the whole of the website, or for any filtered options selected, such as site section(s).

  • Page title: The title of the page as it shows in Google search results. Most of the time this includes the meta title tag “| Victorian Government”, but not always. For example, this is what the page title of the 2022 Victorian flood recovery page looks like on Google:

    Screenshot of Google search result.


  • Page: The URL of a page.

  • Avg. time on page: The average length of time visitors spend on a page.

  • % Δ (next to the average time on the page): Whether there has been increase or decrease in the average time on the page. An increase will have a green arrow, and a decrease will have a red arrow and be a negative number.

  • Unique pageviews: Pageviews generated by the same visitor during the same session (a session lasts until there is 30 minutes of inactivity. Reloading in the same session will not be counted as a unique pageview).

  • % Δ (next to the unique pageviews): An increase or decrease in the unique pageviews.

  • % unique pageviews: The percentage of unique pageviews of a page (the ratio is expressed as a fraction of all pages on

  • % Δ (next to the % unique pageviews): An increase or decrease in the percentage of unique pageviews.

Top pages table.

First page path

This table tells the journey visitors take when viewing a page. You can use the filter options to choose a single specific page or multiple pages to analyse.

  • Previous page path: The page that was visited first, before going to the page listed in the Page column.

    • The result “(entrance)” means the page was the first page registered in that session and the user wasn’t looking at any previous pages on

    • “/search” means the user has used the internal site search and clicked on a result from the internal search page.

    • “/” means the user was previously on the homepage.

  • Page: The URL of a top page.

  • Pageviews: The views of the page, regardless of whether the views are done in the same session, by the same visitor, or with reloading the page.

  • % Δ: Whether there has been an increase or decrease in the pageviews.

404 error pages

  • Event label: Labels used to describe the triggered 404 error.

  • Page: The page that has a 404 error occurring.

  • Total event: The total number of times the 404 error is occurring because users have tried to access the page.

  • % Δ: Whether there has been an increase or decrease.


Pages with downloads

  • Event label: URL of the page where a download has occurred.

  • Unique events: The number of times a unique visitor within a session has downloaded something on the page.

  • % Δ: An increase or decrease of users downloading something on the page.

You can also click on a specific option in the Event label column to filter the results in the Downloads table – this will show you all the download options being clicked on by users on that specific page.

Clicking on the specific event label option again will reset the results.


  • Event action: The URL of the downloaded file.

  • Unique events: The number of times this file has been downloaded by a unique visitor within a session.

  • % Δ: An increase or decrease in this file being downloaded.

You can also click on a specific option in the Event action column to filter the results in the Pages with downloads table – this will show you what page(s) the downloadable file is embedded on.

Clicking on the specific event action option again will reset the results.



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