Latest events

How to add the latest events feature. Once you've created an Event content page, you can display a grid of up to 6 cards linking to recent events.

Open the page where you want to embed a key dates card:

  1. Scroll down to Page content

  2. Click on Add component

  3. Select Latest Events from the Component type lists

  4. Here you'll see fields for:

    1. Title

    2. Description

    3. Feature Image

    4. URL

    5. Link text

  5. Complete all mandatory fields if you'd like the sixth featured Card-event to be a Card-Call to Action. For example, calling for users to submit their own community event.

For the latest 6 events by default to appear, you'll need to Remove the Call to Action.

  1. Select Remove

  2. Then select Confirm Removal

To see the Latest events component in action, check out the latest events component page on