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Victoria Police can issue family violence safety notices to a perpetrator to offer immediate protection to a victim survivor and can apply to the Magistrates Court for a family violence intervention order. Victoria Police practice guidance is clear that such notices and orders "must be strictly enforced…and police must lay charges for any contravention".119 It acknowledges that "a lack of attention conveys to the [perpetrator] and the [victim survivor] that the order is not taken seriously" and could risk the family's safety.
At the end of your chapter or content page:
add a Heading 2 titled Footnotes, Endnotes or References
list the entire source content like the below example.
Referencing example
Below is an example of referencing.
The below features an H3 heading. Use an H2 for your publication.
115 State of Victoria (2014–2016): Royal Commission into Family Violence: Report and Recommendations, Parl Paper No 132, Vol 3, Chapter 18, p. 28.
116 Unpublished data provided to the Monitor by the Crime Statistics Agency, December 2020.
117 Expert Advisory Committee on Perpetrator Interventions (2019): Expert Advisory Committee on Perpetrator Interventions: Final Report, November 2019.
118 Victorian Council of Social Service, submission 41; Individual — Grampians Community Health, submission 6.
119 Victoria Police (2019): Code of Practice for the Investigation of Family Violence, edition 3, Vol 4, p. 34.
120 Unpublished data provided to the Monitor by the Crime Statistics Agency, December 2020.