There are two methods to share draft pages with stakeholders - share preview links and the preview link from the latest revisions tab.
Share preview links
Share preview links are essentially a ‘screenshot’ of your page. Because of this, they will not update if changes are made to the page. They are not a ‘live’ preview.
If you want to share 2 draft versions of a page for comparison, you need to generate a sharelink from their respective revisions, and share both of these links.
Benefits of the share preview link
Your reviewers don't need to log in to the CMS to access the preview.
You can set an expiry date for the share preview link.
You can delete the share preview link.
You can share preview links for multiple versions of your page.
‘Latest version’ preview links and sharing with stakeholders
When working in the CMS, the fastest way to see your changes on the front-end is by using the preview link that can be found in the ‘latest version’ tab.
However, you need to be logged in to the CMS to be able to view this preview link.
To navigate around this, the SDP team have set up a CMS account for each department with preview only permissions.
The benefit of using this method is that it will always display the latest draft of the content (not the state of the content at the point in time you created the share link). So your stakeholders will just need to copy the preview link into a new browser tab and log in with the correct departmental account and they will be able to review your latest draft.