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Contacting your central digital team

If you are 're planning new digital content or need assistance help with your a Single Digital Presence (SDP) site or content, it is essential to website, you must contact your department's central digital team. This team provides vital guidance and support in managing and governing content, and it's particularly important to reach out to them in the early development stages of planning a new website or adding a new section to you are planning new digital content or need assistance with the Single Digital Presence (SDP) websites, it is essential to contact your department's central digital team. This team provides vital guidance and support in managing and governing content, and it's particularly important to reach out to them when creating a new website or adding a new section to the http://


Central digital teams can help you:


Independent agencies should also contact their department’s central digital team for best practice advice and support. Below is the contact information for the central digital teams across different departments:


Department contact details

Each department may have different nomenclatures for their digital teams, but their purpose is consistent—to ensure the effective management of digital content.

central digital team

Find contact information for your department’s central digital team so you can consult them about Single Digital Presence websites and content.


  • )


Each department has a central digital team (although they may have different names). They play important roles in managing and governing content on Single Digital Presence websites.

You should contact your lead/parent department even if you are an independent organisation. Your department’s digital team is set up to provide best practice advice and support that independent organisations may not have.

Contact information for each department’s central digital team



[Contact the DGS digital content team]

Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF)

Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR)

[To be confirmed (TBC)]

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA)

[Use the Digital Service Requests Form]


  • Transport (DTP)




  • Treasury and Finance (


Department of Health (DH)

Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH)

Department of Justice and Community Safety (DJCS)


Next steps