Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Tables in the Single Digital Presence (SDP) content management system can be built using either the table option in the Basic text component toolbar or the Data table component.

Adjusting column width, cell alignment and merging cells requires some HTML coding ability. This functionality is currently under maintenance, sorry.

Before adding tables to your content, we recommend reading the Australian Government Style Manual’s guidance on tables.

Data table component

Read our guide on using the data table component.

Basic text component – table option

Read our guide on using the basic text component – table option.

Advanced settings



By default, tables will expand to take up the full text width space on your screen. On desktops, this is 818 px wide.

Alignment of text in tables

This functionality is currently not working. Please submit a ticket if you require this. We’re working on it!

Most tables should be left-aligned because we read left-to-right. However, tables with financial figures should have any columns with numerals set to right-aligned.


To change the alignment, you need to go into the source code and edit the HTML.

The code options you can use are:

  • align="left"

  • align="right"

  • align="center" (note the US spelling)

  • align="justify"

Remember to always add a space between “th” or “td” and the alignment code snippet, so it looks like this: <th align="right">

How to add the code

In the component with your table, click the Source button. Look for code like this:

<th>Total amount ($)</th>

The heading cells are coded <th>.

The rest of the cells are coded <td>.

To set right-alignment for the second column (as displayed in the example), you need to add the code snippet into the <th> and all the corresponding <td> tags.

Here's an example, using the code above with the alignment snipped added:

<th align="right">Total amount ($)</th>
<td align="right">23,100</td>
<td align="right">19,870</td>
<td align="right">21,100</td>

Column width



Setting column width in tables

This functionality is currently not working. Please submit a ticket if you require this. We’re working on it!

You can set a column width in just the heading row and that setting will then apply to the whole column. (This is different to alignment, which you have to set up in every cell.)

One reason you might want to do this when you have a page with several similar tables and, due to varying lengths of content, they are displaying with varying column widths. In this case, setting the width of the columns should make the page content look better


How to manually set column width

Width is controlled by our CSS (a style sheet that controls how the web pages look).

In the CSS for we have pre-set 12 fixed widths that correspond to percentages of the text area on screen (with different widths for different devices: desktop, tablet or mobile).

You want to add this code <th class=:"rpl-table--col-X">Column name</th> to the column you're adjusting, with the X being the relevant number from the options below.

Here are the 12 snippets of code and the percentage they will apply:


Examples of how the different column widths display

Often you just want to set the first column and let the width of the other columns automatically display according to the contents.

This table has the first column set to display at 17% of the table's width.




This table has the first column set to display at 50% of the table's width. The fifth column has some longer text and this is affecting how columns 2, 3, 4 and 5 display in relation to each other.


This table has the first column set to display at 75% of the table's width. That doesn't leave much space to display the content in the other columns.


Merging cells


Merging cells in tables

Occasionally you may want to merge some cells in a table heading row, which you can do via the source code.


Don't overuse merged cells in tables though, as they can be a tricky for screen readers, especially in complex data tables.

For example: the screen reader app NVDA does not announce when a cell spans multiple rows or columns. (Source:

Some users may find it easier to work with several simple tables than one complex table, so consider whether you can convert a complex table to one or more simple tables. (Source:

Use the colspan code

If you're merging cells in a column (such as a heading), you insert the code and remove extra cells that relate to the spanning.

For example: picture a table that has 5 columns, and its first row is set up as the headings. We want merge the heading cells in columns 1, 2 and 3, so we’ll delete the heading code snippet for columns 2 and 3. The rest of the table has 5 cells per row.

<th colspan="3">Head 1,2,3</th>
<th>Head 4</th>
<th>Head 5</th>
<td>blah blah</td>
<td>blah blah</td>
<td>blah blah</td>
<td>blah blah</td>
<td>blah blah</td>
<td>blah blah</td>
<td>blah blah</td>
<td>blah blah</td>
<td>blah blah</td>
<td>blah blah</td>

Here's what the above code looks like:


Use the rowspan code

If you've set up a table and chosen the first column as the heading row, you'll notice the code looks different to the example above. There are no <thead> tags, and instead the first cell in each row has <th scope="row"> which indicates it's a heading.

Here's an example:

<th scope="row">Head 1</th>
<th scope="row">Head 2</th>
<th scope="row">Head 3</th>
<th scope="row">Head 4</th>

This is what the above code looks like:


To merge cells in rows, you insert the code and remove the extra cells that relate to the spanning.

In this example, the table has 3 columns. We want to merge the heading cells in column 1, rows 1 and 2. The cell with <th> tags in the second row therefore needs to be deleted.

<th scope="row" rowspan="2">Head 1 & 2</th>
<th scope="row">Head 3</th>

Here's what the above code looks like:
