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Check your image is the correct size and format: image dimensions and formats.

Save the image to your computer using the following naming conventions and filename format:


Complete the Alternative text field for your image (if required). This is a description for vision-impaired users and is an important accessibility requirement. What you write depends on the context of the page and the typical users.The only images that don't need this field to be filled out are:Alternative text explains information in images for screen reader users. Captions describe images to help users relate them to surrounding text.

For more information, visit: using images in website content or the Australian Government Style Manual for tips on how to write alt text, captions and titles.


Images that don’t need an Alternative text description

  • Sensory images: if the image is intended to create a sensory experience – for example, an image of an artwork.

  • Decorative images: if the image is pure decoration, used for visual purposes only. For these types of images, you can leave the alt text field blank. In the page's code there will be two double quotes 

In the Alternative text field, add 2 double quotes (““), which tells the screen reader to skip it. 



The Title is used as a tool tip when the user hovers the mouse over the image.


If you want to add multiple images to your page displayed in a carousel format, you can find instructions in our image gallery guide

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