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If you’ve been emailed a report and cannot view it, reach out to the Analytics team (analytics.team@dpc.vic.gov.au) or your team members to be granted access.
Find a list of all available Google Analytics dashboards.
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Dashboard elements
If you’ve been emailed an analytics report that you cannot access, log an SDP support request. |
Dashboard overview landing page
Once the dashboard is open, you should see the below Overview page:
This dashboard has includes the following elementsmetrics.
Navigating the dashboard
The dashboard has 9 different pages, which can be found in the left-hand column. Click on You can select the arrow at below the bottom menu to expand this section to see the page names, or to collapse this section and see page numbers insteadthe dashboard pages section..
Date range
Click on Select the drop-down against the date picker to choose a specific set of dates, or select from preset options such as the one of the following date options:
manually populate a specific Start Date and End Date
the Fixed list of options, for example last 14 days, last
30 days, today or yesterday.
Changing the date range is temporary and can be updated at any time.
Filters refine or reduce the data that is displayed, so you can view only the data that is relevant to you. Clicking on a filter will reveal a drop-down list with options to select or deselect.
For example: On the “Overview” page, there There are 4 filters that can be used:
Site section: Filter filter to a specific site section of vic.gov.au.
Page title: Filter filter by the title of a page, which matches what shows in Google Searchsearch.
Department/entity: Filter filter by the department or entity that owns the content.
Content type: Filter filter by the type of content, for example: landing page, publication or grant.
In this example, choosing “grants” Grants in the site section filter options will limit the data displayed to only content tagged to that specific site section.
Once you’ve finished with a specific filter, click on the – sign next to the filter name to reset it. You can also click the Reset button in the top-right corner of the dashboard to reset all data to the default options again.
Sharing options
You can select the Share option to:
invite people to view the dashboard
schedule an email delivery for the dashboard
get a shareable link to the report
download the report.
Invite people
This option will let you share the dashboard with others by sending them an email with the link to it.
You can choose the type of access they need as well: either Viewer or Editor.
Schedule email delivery
You can use this option to email yourself and/or others a regular report of the data. You can customise the pages to be included, the date and time and how frequently it gets sent.
You can choose to download all pages or customise your page selection. If sensitive information is included in the report, you can choose the option to make the file password protected.
If you have any questions about the dashboard, please email the Analytics Team on analytics.team@dpc.vic.gov.aulog an SDP support ticket.
Related guides
You can also read our guides that go into more detail on each specific dashboard page: