Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Complete the following fields as needed (items marked with an *asterisk are mandatory).

Publication details

License Type

Select from Copyright (if the publication cannot be shared or used in other work) or Creative Commons (if the publication can be shared or used in other work).

Date of publication

Date the publication was released (it only displays month and year on live page).

Publication author

Department or branch that owns the publication. You can only select one author.



Title of your publication.


This is a short description of the publication and is picked up within search engines.

Introduction text

Brief summary that appears under the page title. Keep it short.

Featured image

Feature images don't display on the page you're creating. They display on featured cards or navigation links to the page. They must be resized to 496px high x 818px wide.

Page content


For instructions on using these content components, visit our Body text components page.

Customised header tab

Header style* allows you to select between 2 options.

Default appearance



When Add Component is selected, you have the following options:

Default appearance

Display the publication title and introduction text.

Customised Header*

Header style*

  • Default appearance: displays the publication title and introduction text.

  • Full-width background image






Add the original document to this publication. Format is PDF document. This will sits on the right hand side of the page.

Publication Navigation

Add publication navigation to your page. This will sits on the right hand side of the page.

The menu is checked to display by default.

Related pages can be linked from this sidebar. Check this box if you want to show Related Content for this page.

This is unchecked to display by default.


Select Add Contact us to include a Title, Name, Department name, Email, Address, Postal address, Phone Title and Phone Number and Social media links.


Select a topic term and start typing the term in the field. Select the topic to add it to the field once it’s displayed.

Content category

Select the most relevant option from the list of content categories. This mandatory field will help with search and filtering on the website.

Save your work

Click 'Save' once you're happy with your latest draft.


You can add more components to chapter pages. For instructions on using these content components, visit our Body text components page.

Customised header tab

Header style* allows you to select between 2 options.


Display the chapter title and introduction text.

Full-width background image

Display a hero image, the publication title and introduction text. Follow our hero image instructions.
