return to the page later to make your edits
ask the editor to remove the lock.
Unlock a page
Unlock a page you're working on
To unlock a page you have locked, go to the Unlock button at the bottom of the page when you're in edit mode.
Ask another content editor to unlock a page they locked
To find out which editor has the page locked, you can go to Content > Locked content.
Here you can see which editor has locked the page under the Lock owner column.
Content editors can unlock a page that they previously locked, but they can't unlock other editors' pages.
Site administrators and approvers can unlock pages locked by other users.
Unlock pages that other users have locked (site administrators and approvers only)
You need to be on the Locked content page. You can find this by clicking Content > Locked content.
Select the page/s to be unlocked.
Ensure 'Break lock node' is the option selected on the Action dropdown. (It's currently the only option.)
Click the Apply button.
Note that if the user who has locked the page is actually working in the page at the moment, breaking the lock will cause them to lose edits.